Tanbir Is it possible to have different delivery hours per day? For example on certain days, lets say monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, delivery is available from 11am to 11pm and tuesday, saturday, sunday delivery is from 1pm to 5pm. Thank you.
thamvmk Yes, it is possible. Under menu on left shop, location, opening hours. you could define your custom delivery hours by day.
Tanbir If you are talking about the admin->Restaurants->Locations->Opening Hours, I only see the 'Delivery Hours' options as Same As Opening or Custom and not Flexible similar to t he 'Opening Type'. This is the same thing with 'Pick Up Hours'
nans64 I have the same problem. It's for example for the restaurant open from 12 to 3 and open at 7 to 11pm. We cannot create a lunch time and dinner time.