h4x0rjdag i saw on a previous post https://forum.tastyigniter.com/d/898-email-not-send-via-ssl-in-log-failed-to-enable-crypto/ @sampoyigi mentioned replacing the library with the laravel mail component. with my limited experience i'm just wondering how to do that? dunno if someone has done something similar already but my googling kept bringing me to code which didn't seem like i could incorporate it easily into v2. i also tried editing the default Email.php file with the code that the OP mentions and it still says connection refused. i also grabbed the Email.php from CI 3.1.5 which is what he said he did and then made the code edits from the OP and it also still said connection refused. my hosting is locked in for another 2 years still so i don't have the option to switch hosting. if anyone can help me put the laravel mail components like sam mentions it'd be great.
sampoyigi h4x0rjdag Unfortunately, I'm no longer supporting v2 and support will officially end sometime soon. Alternatively, I can help you look into it for a small fee.