We are pleased to announce the public beta release of v 3.0.4-beta.20 today. It is another release of improvements and bug fixes on the road to stability.
What’s new?
We encourage you to update as soon as possible.
- TastyIgniter now fully supports PHP 7.3 & 7.4
- You can now group staff under multiple groups and locations
- New staff role to grant staff a set of predefined permissions
- Admins can now automatically assign orders to a staff group using Automations. With the ability to control how orders are assigned to staff within a group.

- Orders and reservations admin context can now be restricted based on the logged staff assignable scopes

- Currency conversion support using OpenExchangeRates of Fixer.IO API
- Staff now have the ability to set an away status, useful when automatically assigning orders.

See the full release notes for more details.
Upgrading from v3.0.4-beta.19
From the admin dashboard
- Go to System > Extensions, disable all extensions before upgrading by clicking the square (stop) button on all extensions.
- Go to System > Updates, click the Ignore button all updates except the TastyIgniter v3.0.4-beta.20+ update, then click the Update button.
- Use your newly-upgraded TastyIgniter site!
Manually from the command line
- Follow Step 1
- Run the following command at the root of your TastyIgniter installation:
composer update
php artisan igniter:up
php artisan cache:clear
- Use your newly-upgraded TastyIgniter site!
If you face any issues, please start a new discussion in the Support tag and we’ll do our best to help you! You may find similar issue being discussed but open a new discussion anyway, it helps us get your specific problem solved faster.
Thank You
TastyIgniter releases would not be possible without the support of the community, our thanks go out to all of them! Thank you…
To everyone who contributed code to this release and past, to everyone who has helped with testing, to every sponsor, to our very first backer, Cameron Wilby. You guys rock!
Your financial support is a huge source of motivation, it helps provide for stable development hours for TastyIgniter! Help us become a sustainable project by backing us on Open Collective or GitHub or Patreon!
Finally, thank you for your continued support, donations, and enthusiasm that keeps us going.