I solved this problem with no redirection to local restaurant after entering post code into central position of the web.
The problem is in curl module for checking google geomode. Temporary I added line:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false);
immediately after:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); (file is in: tastyigniter/system/tastyigniter/libraries/Location.php)
After that program got answer from google and continue to Menu cart.
I read that this is not acceptable way instead of security and I will try to implement curl cert and test again.
Problem for me is that we have post code for area in a circle of 60km what is to huge ordering area.
It also working with entering street and number, what is much better for now.
I will think how can this customer entering location maybe will be simplier.
Anyway, this group of enthusiast, thank you for sharing this project!