sampoyigi See if this will work. Copy and paste $('.btn-group-toggle .active input[type="radio"], .btn-group .active input[type="radio"]').trigger('change'); to line 68, above $('.button-checkbox').each(function () {
sampoyigi I've tried troubleshooting this on my end but it works fine and i didn't have to refresh manually to switch between delivery & collection, maybe its something from your end.
Midways I am testing the developer When you go to the menu the default setting is for for delivery. If you choose pick-up the page will refresh but it stays on delivery. Only if you refresh manually will it change the selection.
Midways I have noticed that if you leave the page open for around 5 minutes the selection does change. Not sure if this helps.
Midways Thanks for the reply. Not sure why that should be, It's a fresh install and I have tried in both FireFox and Internet explorer. I will pm you with the link to the site and if you could try to see if it's okay from your computer. I have tried through a mobile and it works fine.