Feature request:
Current system allows for selling menu items and each menu item is set up differently from one user to another. I created a menu item that represents a plate of food: meat options, side options, condiment options and sauce options. Others create menu items for each option and somehow know what items go on what plate or in what container, etc.
What we cannot do is place those items on a plate or identify which person at a table each item is for.
My request is one of the two below stated features:
1 - that a Plate column be added to items ordered that will accept customer input (due to varying number of people sitting at a table). Then the order outputs will show the items selected for that plate in a group similar to the way item options show today.
2 - convert the Menu Item options system to allow the creation of specific options that are from the menu item table. Rather than a user created list of options, pull the menu items list into the form so we can select other menu items as options. Doing this will allow a restaurant the ability to track inventory for all the options. Current system does not allow for management of inventory (reducing stock when used or chosen) for options like it does for menu items.
Created tastyigniter/TastyIgniter560!