Hi all,

I have a “test” environment and a “production” environment. Both environments are close copies; basically, only the dns names are different. The “test” environment is to implement changes and test before implementing the same to “production”..

So far I implement all my changes manually, which is a strain (of course) and it is error-prone.

So I would be curious as to any tip you may have to perform certain changes in an automated fashion? Is there maybe a way to roll the complete “test” environment to “production” and adapt the dns-specific changes afterwards? (In my case it is not an issue to have short downtimes on the “production” environment; I can choose deployment windows outside of company hours..)

Thanks, cheers,

    I can suggest you to:

    1) Overwrite production dir with test dir manually with after you test the update.
    2) Taking care of preserve config folder of production app that has all the parameters for DB conn and others.
    3) After overwrute production dir with test dir you have to overwrite config folder with the production ones.
    4) After that you run php artisan igniter:up in the main folder. That will sync all the DB changes if any

    Maybe @sampoyigi can advise you better than me

      There are a number of ways you can approach this and what I’d do is put the code in a Git repository (local/remote), with two separate branches (test and production) so this way I can implement changes by just merging one branch into another.

        sampoyigi Maybe when you give spare time you can give some more details. For let us better understand the process and how to setup.