Dear Sam, Thanks so much for initial attempt. To help please find the kind of essential info for “test” without disclosing confidential info to help further.
GTbank web payment engine GTPay and you would able to accept both international and locally issued payment cards.
Your configuration details are provided below;
Interswitch WebPAY Merchant ID: [not public info]
GTPay assigned Merchant ID: [Not to share in public]
GTPay Demo Hash key🙁not to share in public)
You are to post all transaction requests to URL:
You may check status of your transactions at the URL:
All documentations you need for integration are available at URL: Please go through the documentation and let us know if you have any questions. For integration, of particular interest is the Merchant Manual (Technical) You may immediately test how GTPay works by performing some tests at the standard GTPay test site:
Enter the necessary parameters and click the Continue button. Note that the Merchant ID you supply at the test URL is your GTPay Merchant ID and not WebPAY Merchant ID.
Also, please note that there is a CERTIFICATION PROCESS conducted by both InterSwitch for the webpay and GTBank Information audit team to check that you have integrated properly with the system .Before you can be moved over from the Pilot phase (which you are now) to the LIVE environment where real money exchanges take place.For integration issues, please contact us through our numbers : 01- 8447047 - 49
Please find attached a copy of the InterSwitch Certification Document (or UAT Document) and be guided by the attached UAT document so your GO LIVE can be as quick as possible. NOTE that you must satisfy all items except for items 26 and 27.Additionally, find attached a list of the transaction codes and corresponding messages. For speedy integration, please forward this message to your developer today.
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