Hi and thank you for this awesome software.
Currently I try to setup TI for a single restaurant.
There we have the condition that we do not deliver in certain areas when the total price is below e.g. 30€. When it is greater or equal we deliver with a charge of 3€.
This is my configuration:

- Charge = 3.00€ | Rule = above | Total = 30.00€
- Charge = -1.00€ | Rule = below | Total = 30.00€
In the frontend / store front it is looking good if you select the area. But if you try to add an menu item to the cart, the operation always fails because in the CartManager.php
function addOrUpdateCartItem
the code checks if the deliveryChargeIsUnavailable
in line 110. This returns false
if the sub total price is below the set total in the condition and raises an exception that This restaurant cannot deliver to your location
If you switch to Pick-up mode and add items until you passed the 30€ limit, you cn switch back to delivery and everything works fine.
Does anybody know how we can solve this issue?