yhassoun How can I change the search address box to a drop down list of predefined city names. The reason is I am using this application in a country where addresses are not setup properly and they normally people use land marks. The address can still be defined in the checkout page which is great, however I want to let them select a city in the address search bar where I can enable a certain fee for each city. Another way of solving my issue is enabling address autocomplete. Is there an option to enable it? Appreciate your help.
ryanmitchell You would need to create your own component to do the city selection. There is a places extension being worked on to allow autocomplete, it should be released over teh next 2-3 weeks.
sits ryanmitchell Hi I like the idea and I need this extension as soon as possible and I can help you with testing as I have 4 branches
danielang You can also take a look at this extension: https://github.com/danielang/ti-ext-selector Currently only single restaurants are supported.
danielang salamaahm place the extension into extensions/danielang/selector. Then it will be shown in the TI Extension list. Activate the extension. Now navigate into your theme and select your page/layout/partial where you want to use/see the dropdown. Click on “Choose”; select Area Dropdown Component; add it to the source code 🙂 I hope this helps 🙂
sits danielang I already uploaded the extension and enabled it, but I don’t see the component in the drop down list I tested it on version v3.0.4-beta.23.2 and v3.0.4-beta.28 with same result
pnjo23 danielang This works! Just one problem - I’ve got a long list of locations and I need to add a scroll feature to them. Currently it’s a flat dropdown so some locations are hidden.