mstammymarie Hello all! The payment forms for neither stripe or paypal are showing on the storefront for customers on the checkout screen. My location is updated correctly and I have stripe as my default. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
mlattke mstammymarie Please specify TastyIgniter, Theme and PayRegister versions. Does this happens on desktop and mobile? have you checked “Minimum Total” settings for each payment method? (Admin -> Sales -> Payments -> Edit -> Minimum Total)
mstammymarie mlattke Hello. This is happening with the orange theme and happening on both desktop and mobile. I currently have the minimum set at $1.00
mstammymarie mlattke Hi. I have the most current version and have also tried uninstalling and installing a fresh installation.
mstammymarie mlattke Hello. I have an update. I signed up for square and the credit card form is showing for that.
sampoyigi mstammymarie Have you tried fresh installation? Works for me on a fresh install. Also you can try deleting themes/tastyigniter-orange/_partials/payregister/stripe.blade.php and go to Sales > Payments so that a new one is regenerated