sampoyigi It seems its related to the index_page config setup. PM me your site admin details, i'll have a look here
dom_madrid Hi, When trying to select a table in the reservation part of the location, no data is being shown The only message is :Loading Failed. Any ideas ? Thanks, Dominique
dom_madrid Here you go [Mon Jun 20 18:20:00.193090 2016] [:error] [pid 17043] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'CI_Controller' not found in /srv/www/html/TastyIgniter/system/tastyigniter/core/TastyIgniter.php on line 356, referer: http://SERVER_IP/tasty/admin/index.php?/locations/edit?id=14
dom_madrid sampoyigi wrote It seems its related to the index_page config setup. PM me your site admin details, i'll have a look here In in PM. Dominique
dom_madrid Thanks for the explanation. Fixed by removing the ? after the 'index.php' in the config.php file.