I have used german Translation and changed Date Format 24 Hours without pm and am. It fact it is working well.
But when i use “Shedule Order” in front end during placing order, the names of the days are always english. They are not translated.
How can i translate the names f the days?
i use this code for 24 Date / Time format:
'date' => [
'today' => 'Today',
'tomorrow' => 'Tomorrow',
'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
'full' => '%s at %s',
'php' => [
'date_format' => 'd M Y',
'date_format_short' => 'd M',
'date_format_long' => 'l, jS F Y',
'time_format' => 'H:i',
'date_time_format' => 'd M Y H:i',
'date_time_format_short' => 'd M H:i',
'date_time_format_long' => 'l, jS F Y \a\t H:i',
'moment' => [
'date_format' => 'DD MMM YYYY',
'date_format_short' => 'DD MMM',
'date_format_long' => 'dddd, Do MMM YYYY',
'time_format' => 'HH:mm',
'date_time_format' => 'DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
'date_time_format_short' => 'DD MMM \a\t HH:mm',
'date_time_format_long' => 'dddd, Do MMMM YYYY \a\t HH:mm',
'weekday_format' => 'ddd',
'day_format' => 'ddd DD',
'day_time_format' => 'ddd DD HH:mm',
'day_time_format_short' => 'ddd HH:mm',