Hi Sam,
Happy to see you're still around.
Changes made to the admin part:
Although it looks OK, some logic is amiss.
When you change the opening hours in the daily tab from whatever choice to 00:00, it resets it to 12:00 on saving. The first accepted hour is 01:00 - nothing below. And max opening is 23:45. Putting it to 00:00 also resets to 12:00 on save.
Changes in the Reservation Process:
Although the date format showed initially is correct : dd/mm/yyyy, if you update it, the results is shown as dd-mm-yyyy
And for some strange reason only one time slot is offered in the combo: 01:15. If you try to add manually a different time, say 17:45, you get a no match found in the combo.
If I use the flexible schedule, since the hour cannot be changed, it always end up with an error in the reservation, since the requested booking hour is outsideĀ the opening hours....
For argument sake, I went along the limitation and got to the booking part. That went well. One thing though. Once the reservation is sent, no information is shown on the screen and you're returned to the booking page. Maybe a different landing page would be more appropriate, and/or a confirmation message that the booking went well. Else you never now if it went through till you receive the confirmation message.
The confirmation mail comes with the correct info. If I may suggest another small correction, the text reads : "Your reservation 3 at". It may be clearer someting along the lines of "Your reservation with reference number 3 at...."
In the reservation screen, the reservation shows up correctly, but since you can only book a table at 01:15 (+/- 30 minutes), it is impossible to know if it shows the time correctly in the evenening.
On the right track.