ayrtonkevin01923 hi, im having a problem with the multiple locations. In the checkout page on mobile, when the customer wants to go back to the menu page theres an error that im trying to fix. When i click on add more items it redirect me to the home page. thats how i have the permalink, i think i didnt change anyting. Is there any thing that im doing wrong? this is how i have the location.
ayrtonkevin01923 sorry, the images didnt upload. [https://prnt.sc/gWDsnFwMP83P](https://) heres the add more items button that its not working. [https://prnt.sc/SwdIw9dSY_rc](https://) heres how i have the permalink. [https://prnt.sc/Vy28aCUMpQZQ](https://) heres how i have the location.
ayrtonkevin01923 fixed changing the href to this: . I dont know if its the best option but it worked for me.