ebee Hello all, Tastyigniter is running very slow for me, this is not because of the server, thats for sure. Is there extension or anything to optimize it? Thank you in advance.
thecornercabinetllc904 I don’t believe there is a fix yet but they are aware of the situation. I made a related post the other day and was pointed to a github thread about it.
terminal5tech960 any update on this? it was working fine for me until i added tips and then it became really slow. Not sure if thats related but thats what i noticed on my side
amtadrian82503 a mi me pasa lo mismo incluso creí que era yo tocando cosas lo , resetee la aplicación la instale de nuevo y nada sigue igual de lento si alguien sabe algo!! ayuda!!!
thecornercabinetllc904 Sampoyigi posted a possible fix over on github and it appears to help. I applied it to our install and it’s running quickly now. tastyigniter/TastyIgniter1008