I currently have TI running on our domain (shared hosting) but am getting ready to move to a a new host (VPS). Part of the reason for this move is that TI is suddenly running a bit slow on the current host, taking 8-9 seconds or longer for page loads or menu selections and anything on the administrative side is taking a minute plus to process. I’ve asked the host if they could do a graceful restart on Apache and/or the PHP service on the server and they assure me everything is working properly so there is no need to. Obviously, something is wrong and it all started the same day they announced upgrades on their end, over a week ago. That was the nail in the coffin that made me decide we need more control over our site.
So I set up a temporary domain on the VPS and installed TI to test how well it would run on the service and I’m happy with it. I then copied my themes, extensions, and config directories to the new server, deleted the tables in the database and imported the database from the old server to the new. Administration is running properly but the customer facing side is running slow, with page loads and menu selections taking 20 seconds or more. This did not happen when I had the dummy site set up, so I think there is a problem in the database.
This is a long-winded way of making sure I didn’t miss something when doing the transfer and also to see if it would be okay to instead set up my site again on the new host, from scratch, and just import certain tables, such as customers, items, categories, etc? Or do the tables have links so that would break something?