mikeinnyc Thank you very much for your assistance.
- 1. Yes, the Google map API is set correctly without restrictions.
- I don’t want to use the circle for this situation but I know the system is working because I’ve set up other vendors with the “circle” option and the “polygon” option and they both work as a charm. That’s why I know the API setting and the rest of configuration is correctly set.
I want to use “Address” because I can set EXACTLY an address for delivery, and I can add few addresses. Here’s an example:
Just in case you wonder, I also tried adding the zip code to the address, and that didn’t work either.
Here’s a video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b0jrt5qeiucex6hvg84ze/delivery-add.mp4?rlkey=0xmd2a5l39ngngmm9zu3vqyfp&dl=0
I tried (again) the “order as a guess” setting it from the vendor (using multi-vendor) as “YES”, supposedly this overrides the main setting; and I also tried it doing it on the main configuration. None of the 2 have a different outcome. The system continues asking “Please type in a postcode/address to check if we can deliver to you.”
The only way it accepts is when I set “Reject Orders Outside Delivery Area” to NO, and that’s not possible as a configuration for all vendors.
I just discovered another issue:
If you use the setting of address under the setting says: "Address Component
ALL rules must be VALID to apply this delivery area, each rule is matched against the user’s address component. Values can contain Regular Expressions."
When I use the FULL address of customer it doesn’t give me the “sorry, we don’t deliver to that address”. Actually, I can delete the whole address and leave it blank and it will allow me to add items to the cart. I just did it few times and also entering complete “not added” addresses to the field of address for delivery. The system will allow me to add items if I’m logged.