When we receive an order we receive the same email the customer receives, but when you're a guest it doesn't send the address on this email.
Is there a work around ?
The address does show when the user has an account.
Also (going to have a look myself but thought id add it here too) when someone orders an item that has an option the email doesn't show the added item e.g. we have an item called "cans of pop" where the options show when you select it. The email would just say "can of pop".
We use these emails to make up the order and don't use the website dashboard as some workers are not IT savvy,
Email code -
Hello {first_name} {last_name},
Your order has been received and will be with you shortly.
Click here to view your order progress.
Thanks for shopping with us online!
Order Details
Your order number is {order_number}
This is a {order_type} order.
Order Date: {order_date}
Delivery Time {order_time}
What you've ordered:
{order_total_title}: {order_total_value}
Your delivery address {order_address}
Your local restaurant {location_name}
We hope to see you again soon.