bledfort Hi, I created an api key for google maps and added it to my settings, but When I try to draw the areas for a location it doesn't give me control over where I want to start from. The "you are here" icon, is litterally in the middle of the pacific ocean and I can't move it where I want it to be. How can I solve that? Thanks a ton
bledfort Ok I solved this, I'm from a region where we don't use latin alphabet, so there is many ways to write adress in latin alphabet so I copied the adress from the google map
gerlandog I am trying to set delivery areas but the maps always shows with error. I think i got the correct maps api key. AIzaSyCKnK3jVGZjqhR***yPsrT-U4IKiC_M_Rc I repalced three characters with *** just in case what could I be doing wrong? Thanks!!!