Hi Sam, thanks for your reply, this is VERY important to me. I've just rewrite in English.
Let me tell you the step by step proceed.
1.- I've created ONE option with 36 values https://scontent.fmvd3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15304497_10211038786109621_2063803278403792152_o.jpg
2.- And then, I've open a Menu (Combo Nº 8). This must to offer the same 12 Option (Choose - "Elegir" in Spanish).
Untill 6 times, there's no problem, and I added 4 different options (sweet choose, drink, etc).
3.- And then, when I try to put another Option, the System turns inestable, and does not let me continue working
Perhaps there`s existe any kind of limit in the server (strict mode or whatever, I don`t know).
This is driving me crazy haha!
Please help me solve it !!
best regards!!