We would like to integrate the following Pizza Presentation & Configuration tools into TastyIgniter to make it a robust solution for all restaurants, including pizza shops. Following is a link to our solution that has been in production for the last 16 years and it has been used by 5 million plus buyers without a single complaint and LOTS of positive feedback to happy restaurant owners all over the USA. We would like to contribute this design/functionality to the open source project of TastyIgniter, but my developer is only beginning to learn this new model (PHP, CodeIgniter/MVC). We think a more experienced programmer would be better equipped to make this integration a reality faster and more professional than we can at present.
To simplify on my previous posts on this topic, I have created a page with links to the ordering interfaces for configuring Specialty Combo Pizza, Create Your Own Pizza & Half & Half Pizzas here:
This page has screen shots of the administrative pages and links to a working demo of the desktop and mobile versions of the menu to set up ANY pizza the restaurants sell.
We are willing to share the ASP code with any developer interested in creating these modules using our pricing matrix approach, as well as the layout/design/functionality of the pizza configuration tools.
Everything is configurable from the crust, sauce, toppings and sizes. Feel free to play around with the demo menu, build pizzas, add toppings to specialty pizzas, etc and transmit orders.