This is the errors inside of the admin panel. I am not showing any errors in apache. Only for a wordpress site I have running.
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:00 --> Query error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes - Invalid query: ALTER TABLE kj_permalinks ADD UNIQUE INDEX `uniqueSlug` (`slug`, `controller`);
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:01 --> Query error: Field 'priority' doesn't have a default value - Invalid query:
REPLACE INTO `kj_categories` (`category_id`, `name`, `description`, `parent_id`, `image`)
(15, 'Appetizer', '', 0, 'data/no_photo.png'),
(16, 'Main Course', '', 0, ''),
(17, 'Salads', '', 0, ''),
(18, 'Seafoods', '', 0, ''),
(19, 'Traditional', '', 0, ''),
(20, 'Vegetarian', '', 0, ''),
(21, 'Soups', '', 0, ''),
(22, 'Desserts', '', 0, ''),
(23, 'Drinks', '', 0, ''),
(24, 'Specials', '', 0, ''),
(26, 'Rice Dishes', '', 16, 'data/vegetable-fried-rice.jpg');
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:01 --> Query error: Field 'order_restriction' doesn't have a default value - Invalid query:
REPLACE INTO `kj_coupons` (`coupon_id`, `name`, `code`, `type`, `discount`, `min_total`, `redemptions`, `customer_redemptions`, `validity`, `fixed_date`, `fixed_from_time`, `fixed_to_time`, `period_start_date`, `period_end_date`, `recurring_every`, `recurring_from_time`, `recurring_to_time`, `description`, `status`, `date_added`) VALUES
(11, 'Half Sundays', '2222', 'F', '100.00', '500.00', 0, 0, 'forever', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', 1, '0000-00-00'),
(12, 'Half Tuesdays', '3333', 'P', '30.00', '1000.00', 0, 0, 'forever', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', 1, '0000-00-00'),
(13, 'Full Mondays', 'MTo6TuTg', 'P', '50.00', '0.00', 0, 1, 'forever', NULL, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', NULL, NULL, '', '00:00:00', '23:59:00', '', 1, '0000-00-00'),
(14, 'Full Tuesdays', '4444', 'F', '500.00', '5000.00', 0, 0, 'recurring', NULL, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', NULL, NULL, '0, 2, 4, 5, 6', '00:00:00', '23:59:00', '', 1, '0000-00-00'),
(15, 'Full Wednesdays', '5555', 'F', '5000.00', '5000.00', 0, 0, 'forever', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', 1, '0000-00-00');
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:01 --> Query error: Field 'default_value_id' doesn't have a default value - Invalid query:
REPLACE INTO `kj_menu_options` (`menu_option_id`, `menu_id`, `option_id`, `required`, `option_values`) VALUES
(22, 85, 22, 1, 'a:3:{i:3;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"8";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}i:4;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"9";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}i:5;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"10";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}}'),
(23, 81, 23, 0, 'a:3:{i:1;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"7";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}i:2;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"6";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}i:3;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"15";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}}'),
(24, 85, 24, 1, 'a:2:{i:1;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"13";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}i:2;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"14";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:0:"";}}'),
(25, 84, 22, 0, 'a:3:{i:1;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"8";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"52";}i:2;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"9";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"53";}i:3;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"11";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"54";}}'),
(26, 79, 22, 0, 'a:5:{i:1;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"8";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"55";}i:2;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"9";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"56";}i:3;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"10";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"57";}i:4;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"11";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"58";}i:5;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"12";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"59";}}'),
(27, 79, 24, 1, 'a:2:{i:6;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"13";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"60";}i:7;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"14";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"61";}}'),
(28, 78, 22, 1, 'a:5:{i:1;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"8";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"62";}i:2;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:1:"9";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"63";}i:3;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"10";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"64";}i:4;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"11";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"65";}i:5;a:3:{s:15:"option_value_id";s:2:"12";s:5:"price";s:0:"";s:20:"menu_option_value_id";s:2:"66";}}');
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:01 --> Query error: Field 'mealtime_id' doesn't have a default value - Invalid query:
REPLACE INTO `kj_menus` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `menu_description`, `menu_price`, `menu_photo`, `menu_category_id`, `stock_qty`, `minimum_qty`, `subtract_stock`, `menu_status`) VALUES
(76, 'PUFF-PUFF', 'Traditional Nigerian donut ball, rolled in sugar', '4.99', 'data/puff_puff.jpg', 24, 856, 3, 1, 1),
(77, 'SCOTCH EGG', 'Boiled egg wrapped in a ground meat mixture, coated in breadcrumbs, and deep-fried.', '2.00', 'data/scotch_egg.jpg', 15, 0, 1, 1, 1),
(78, 'ATA RICE', 'Small pieces of beef, goat, stipe, and tendon sautéed in crushed green Jamaican pepper.', '12.00', 'data/Seared_Ahi_Spinach_Salad.jpg', 16, 1000, 1, 0, 1),
(79, 'RICE AND DODO', '(plantains) w/chicken, fish, beef or goat', '11.99', 'data/rice_and_dodo.jpg', 16, 655, 1, 1, 1),
(80, 'Special Shrimp Deluxe', 'Fresh shrimp sautéed in blended mixture of tomatoes, onion, peppers over choice of rice', '12.99', 'data/deluxe_bbq_shrimp-1.jpg', 18, 265, 1, 1, 1),
(81, 'Whole catfish with rice and vegetables', 'Whole catfish slow cooked in tomatoes, pepper and onion sauce with seasoning to taste', '13.99', 'data/FriedWholeCatfishPlate_lg.jpg', 24, 145, 1, 1, 1),
(82, 'African Salad', 'With baked beans, egg, tuna, onion, tomatoes , green peas and carrot with your choice of dressing.', '8.99', '', 17, 500, 1, 0, 1),
(83, 'Seafood Salad', 'With shrimp, egg and imitation crab meat', '5.99', 'data/seafoods_salad.JPG', 17, 490, 1, 1, 1),
(84, 'EBA', 'Grated cassava', '11.99', 'data/eba.jpg', 16, 407, 1, 1, 1),
(85, 'AMALA', 'Yam flour', '11.99', 'data/DSCF3711.JPG', 19, 470, 1, 1, 1),
(86, 'YAM PORRIDGE', 'in tomatoes sauce', '9.99', 'data/yam_porridge.jpg', 20, 457, 1, 1, 1),
(87, 'Boiled Plantain', 'w/spinach soup', '9.99', 'data/pesto.jpg', 19, 434, 1, 1, 1);
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:01 --> Query error: Field 'type' doesn't have a default value - Invalid query:
REPLACE INTO `kj_working_hours` (`location_id`, `weekday`, `opening_time`, `closing_time`, `status`)
(11, 0, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 1, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 2, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 3, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 4, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 5, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(11, 6, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 1),
(12, 0, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 1, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 2, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 3, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 4, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 5, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(12, 6, '02:00:00', '17:59:00', 1),
(13, 0, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 1, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 2, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 3, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 4, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 5, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0),
(13, 6, '00:00:00', '23:59:00', 0);
ERROR - 2017-03-18 17:12:12 --> Severity: Core Warning --> PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/alt/php56/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Unknown 0
ERROR - 2017-03-19 02:17:48 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 10:26:54 --> Severity: Core Warning --> PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/alt/php56/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Unknown 0
ERROR - 2017-03-19 10:26:54 --> Severity: Core Warning --> PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/alt/php56/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Unknown 0
ERROR - 2017-03-19 10:26:59 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:19:02 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:21 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:21 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:31 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:41 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:41 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:51 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:44:52 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:45:02 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 18:45:02 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 20:27:53 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-19 21:39:24 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:38 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:38 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:38 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:48 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:49 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:38:59 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:39:09 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 04:39:19 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 06:41:29 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 07:10:06 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 08:28:49 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 09:40:54 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 09:40:55 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 15:14:25 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 18:31:41 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 19:19:24 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 20:11:09 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 20:25:22 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593
ERROR - 2017-03-20 20:31:30 --> Severity: Compile Error --> Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() /home/system/tastyigniter/libraries/geoip/ 1593