sampoyigi Thank you for the suggestion. Theres already been a similar request which has been added to our feature requests tracker. I'll update this thread once the fueature is added to the system.
sampoyigi This feature has been included in a way. You can set different hours for delivery and pickup. Currently no, feature requested are posted under this subforum. I was thinking of using one of these external sites but haven't looked much into it.
sukasem Hi there, A lot of restaurants have split shifts like lunch 11am-2pm and dinner 4pm to 10pm. Could you please add this setting? Thank you, Sukasem
dom_madrid Hi, Any updates on that feature ? By the way do you share the feature request some place in order to avoid duplicate requests.. Thanks, Dominique
dom_madrid Not exactly the same, especially when the restaurant does not offer neither takeaway nor delivery. I'll be waiting for the full feature... Soon. Right ?
iShuttleU I also need this option. 3 of my restaurants I offer delivery for are open 11-2:30 then 4:30-9. I can't start using the program until this is added
dccs52 We too need this option of lunch and dinner hours for opening, delivery and pickup, this is literally the only feature its missing for us to make it work!