sampoyigi I'm not sure if this works but i've seen someone use it here. Use the Email field under Locations to add additional emails separated by comma.
sampoyigi Disable the form validation on the email field within admin/controllers/Locations.php replace line 544 to look like $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'lang:label_email', 'xss_clean|trim|required');
mike_b How can I make TastyIgniter send multiple email notifications of a reservation that is made on line? Currently the customer and location email address receive a copy, but none of the users listed in the admin group are notified via email. How do I make this work? Thanks!
mike_b Thanks for the suggestion, Sam. That was the first solution I tried but form validation fails with the following message: "The Email field must contain a valid email address." I also attempted to use a semicolon, but I get the same error.