Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException (42S02)
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'hostguac_pasor.ti_staff_roles' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `ti_staff_roles` where 0 = 1)

 Illuminate \ Database \ QueryException (42S02)
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'hostguac_pasor.ti_staff_roles' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `ti_staff_roles` where 0 = ![1)![](src)](![src](src))
    sampoyigi changed the title to Missing migrations after upgrade .

      kieranc You can either try the update again from the admin dashboard or run the command from your command line, doesn't really matter if you used command-line installation or not.

        sampoyigi I can't get into the admin dashboard, it has an error message, as does the home page.

        I am not sure what you mean by command-line?

          Are you running this on a server that you control or is this installation on a shared server at a host provider?
          If shared then there probably is no way to get a command console to run the command Sam is suggesting.
          If a server you control then open a command (terminal) window and type the command to perform the upgrade.

            kieranc I am not familiar with IONOS, therefore you will have to do some information sharing for me to help you properly.
            1-what software is installed that you administer your site with. In other words, cpanel or some other software that allowed you to install TI in the first place.
            2-were you using v3.0.4?
            3-if so, what version .19 or something earlier?

            If yes to 2 & 3 then

            • use your admin software to backup your home directory and database
            • use your admin software to upload the code for the previous version you were using and see if that restores your site to a working state.
            • if that does not restore your site to a working state then restore from the backup you took in step 1 and maybe send me a pm with your site and admin credentials so I can look into the issue. Or get some paid support from @sampoyigi .
              5 days later

              i get the same error after upgrading, ti_staff_roles' doesn't exist
              procedure followed, first upgraded all plugins after restart i get this error
              during upgrade i get the message, you need to log in to view this page.

              tried with command line, but same error

                25 days later


                Had the same problem after upgrading. Can’t login any more and your solution doesn’t work.

                The shop is totally unreachable at this moment.