Hi Everybody,
i am using xampp on Windows 10 64 bit and had been trying to set up the system but i had this problem.

  1. i had successfully gone thru the setup with no errors
  2. had modified the .htaccess in the main folder to reflect the “RewriteBase /eno” as i had placed the script in the http://localhost/eno sub directory
  3. can open front page and can also access the admin page
  4. added 2 restaurants and their Areas using circle with the google api key provided into the setup page
  5. i had configure the 2 restaurant slug as http://localhost/eno/glenmarie and http://localhost/eno/wahyu and their status is set to enabled.

Now i have problem as follows
a. in the main page, the orange theme suppose to have the menu on the top but it is not showing
b. when i key an address name in the location search, it will fill in the postal code but then will not redirect to the restaurant nearest to it. if i change the setup to single restaurant, it will bring me to the default restaurant and i can see the menu but when i click on checkout, i see page not found error.
c. when i type the slug name of a restaurant http://localhost/eno/wahyu, it says page not found.

when i check on the logs in C:\xampp\htdocs\eno\storage\logs, i see these 3 errors.
[2020-04-26 13:53:19] development.ERROR: The requested page cannot be found: wahyu
[2020-04-26 13:58:26] development.ERROR: The requested page cannot be found: checkout/checkout
[2020-04-26 14:01:51] development.ERROR: The requested page cannot be found: wahyu

Could someone please guide me on how to correct these errors.

Thank you in advance,

    payzx Maybe try a fresh installation again? For the View Menu not showing go to Design > Static Pages > Static Menu