janh The restaurant offers pick up and delivery. Delivery is selected, I’d like change it to pick up (default)
mlattke janh In the menu page? Pickup selected by default? check this https://forum.tastyigniter.com/d/1777-make-delivery-default-if-pick-up-is-not-available-at-the-moment
janh mlattke pick up AND delivery should be available, but pick up should be default AND NOT delivery
janh mlattke Hi, now I have the problem that “delivery” is not clickable/selectable, it should be possible to switch from pick up (default) to delivery, or not? ;-)
dsumeki Hello, i am at the same problem. If pick up is not selected by default, on mobile devices clients could think that is the only option, as the are asked for their adress and there is not option to swich
mlattke As I mention was a really quick fix. You can play aling with the code, or contact me by slack so I can help you guys.
dsumeki Could you please tell where can i play with the code for that quick fix? It will be very nice to be able to do it. Thanks
blueskiesbeyond mlattke the reference to your pastebin doesnt exist anymore… do you mind sharing the mod you did to control.php again? cheers
mlattke blueskiesbeyond extensions/igniter/local/classes/Location.php Check orderType() function and switch between collection or delivery