@sampoyigi i tried to debug the code. its going to /app/main/route.php below funciton
Route::any('{slug}', 'System\Classes\Controller@run')
->where('slug', '(.*)?')
its calling for the run funciton . the run function is defaulted the url variable to {$url = ‘/’)}
public function run($url = '/')
if (!App::hasDatabase()) {
return Response::make(View::make('system::no_database'));
return App::make('Main\Classes\MainController')->remap($url);
// return Response::make(View::make('main::405'), 404);
i tested by adding a value to url in controller.php file its calling function and remap of main controller
in maincontroller.php i added below code and its redirecting.
if($url==='/rapp') {return Response::make(View::make('main::/rapp.Login'), 404);}
so the issue is in /app/main/route.php
1.its not collecting “get” in first place
2.either i have to update the controller to take the value from route.php and pass it on to controller.php and maincontroller.php . i belive i am making it more complex by debugging it that deeper. can you help me please.