tasty1234 Hi , i did a search looking for an austrlian payment api for your product. theres one post from polipayments that requested they make one for you, but you have not answered ? Please do you have an api for Australian payments, if so how do i use it ?
ryanmitchell tasty1234 the latest payregister extension gives information on what gateways are supported. It uses the onmipay payments library so adding support for new gateways can be managed through extensions, where there is omnipay support.
tasty1234 ryanmitchell Hi Ryan, Thankyou for your reply. Are you a developer/supporter of TastyIgniter ? If so could you create an extension/plugin for the Omnipay service? I used to code way back (PHP 6.x -> 7) but coding style has changed . I could have done this myself. Also dont have the time right now. Can you get back to us … thanks.
ryanmitchell I contribute to the code base a little. But @sampoyigi is the main developer. you can submit a custom request at the link below and someone will get back to you: http://tastyigniter.com/premium-support