| have a problem when trying to display any page like location, Themes,…

Call to undefined method Admin\Controllers\Locations::index()
(1/1) BadMethodCallException
Call to undefined method Admin\Controllers\Locations::index()
in ExtendableTrait.php line 445
at Extendable->extendableCall(‘index’, array(‘index’))
in Extendable.php line 42
at Extendable->__call(‘index’, array(‘index’))
at call_user_func_array(array(object(Locations), ‘index’), array(‘index’))
in AdminController.php line 206
at AdminController->execPageAction(‘index’, array(‘index’))
in AdminController.php line 172

This comes after the fresh installation

    If you can, try and use the composer install method. It looks like some dependencies haven’t loaded to me.

      ryanmitchell now I run the command to install, but it gives me this error

      composer create-project /tastyigniter/tastyigniter . –stability=stable
      Creating a “/tastyigniter/tastyigniter” project at “./”

      Could not find package /tastyigniter/tastyigniter with stability stable.

        I installed it using command tool , but still have the original error

        Call to undefined method Admin\Controllers\Locations::index()
        (1/1) BadMethodCallException
        Call to undefined method Admin\Controllers\Locations::index()
        in ExtendableTrait.php line 445
        at Extendable->extendableCall(‘index’, array(‘index’))
        in Extendable.php line 42
        at Extendable->__call(‘index’, array(‘index’))
        at call_user_func_array(array(object(Locations), ‘index’), array(‘index’))
        in AdminController.php line 206
        at AdminController->execPageAction(‘index’, array(‘index’))
        in AdminController.php line 172

          Did you install in a blank directory or over the top of the other install? It feels to me like your install has corrupted - so maybe start with a blank directory?