sampoyigi I don’t get what the issue is from your message?
Sorry, my english is not the best and the “problem” is a bit complex. Ok, I go back to start and tell you again in other words:
My current settings:
In Restaurant -> Locations -> Edit my Location -> Settings
Limit Order Count is disabled
Offer Delivery is disabled
Offer Pick-up is ENabled
Allow Pre-order for Pick-up is ENabled
Pick-up Time Restriction is Later Only
Offer Reservations is ENabled
In System -> Settings -> Setup
The Option “Reject Orders Outside Delivery Area” is set to YES. (Don’t not know why. Perhaps I played with it when installing. But it is not important for me cause Offer Delivery is disabled.)
So far so good.
Now the guest-view:
If a guest wants to order for pick-up and put something in his shopping card an error was shown:
“Please type in a postcode/address to check if we can deliver to you.”
This message shouldn’t be shown! Cause the option “Offer Delivery” is disabled.
This is my first - and perhaps the basic - issue.
The next point is:
At the shopping card the guest sees at the top right two grey fields (=buttons):
- Closed
- Pick-Up (starts Sat 10:00 am)
IF the guest has the intuition to click the Pick-Up-Button then all troubles are gone! The top button changed from “closed” to “Sat 24 10:00 am” with an downarrow so he can choose the pick-up-day and pick-up-time. And now he can put something in his shopping card.
My thought is that nearly no guest will know - or has the intuition - that he has to hit the pick-up-button. I assume it is an “usability-problem”.
This is my second issue. And perhaps it is gone if the first issue is solved.
So, I hope my issue is a bit more clear?
Have you an idea how can I solve this? What can I do?