win123139 I want make a lot of new tables when the extension is active. how can I make it? I can see database/migrate folder but how I call migrate when installing ext. And if I disable the ext should I remove the new table?
ryanmitchell up() is run on extension install i think down() is run on extension removal, but I could be wrong
win123139 ryanmitchell yes i know how to make migrations on laravel but php artisan make:migration not work anymore ? and i thing i should run migration when enable or install ext not run by command but i dont know how ? and down() will remove all table not only table of extension
ryanmitchell php artisan make:migration just scaffolds a file, so instead just copy paste the scaffolding from another extension and adapt it. down() does not remove all tables
win123139 ryanmitchell oh my misunderstanding . i migrate by command “php artisan igniter:up” and “php artisan igniter:down” so it remove all table Your mean is don’t need execute command to migrate
sampoyigi Be careful using the igniter:down command as it will drop all tables in your database. You can drop and recreate migrated tables within an extension using extension:refresh Vendor.Extension command