Hi all, firstly am not a pro developer, just help my brother to build a web site for his restaurant with my basic knowledge.

home page : https://canteencaffe.co.uk/
menu page : https://canteencaffe.co.uk/default/menus
reservation page : when click reservation redirect to home page.

Can same one guide me to how to fix please.

  • 24fps replied to this.
  • ganidagli , if you are using Tasty version greater than 3.0.8, you have to go to -> themes/tastyigniter-green/_pages/reservation/reservation.blade.php and use permalink: ‘:location/reservation’ instead permalink:/reservation’.

    ganidagli , if you are using Tasty version greater than 3.0.8, you have to go to -> themes/tastyigniter-green/_pages/reservation/reservation.blade.php and use permalink: ‘:location/reservation’ instead permalink:/reservation’.


      Thank you for your answer, I used following codes and won’t work, I use version 3.2.1

      if possible can you give me example of codes please.

      Thanks again

      title: main::lang.reservation.title
      layout: default
      permalink: ‘:location/reservation’ instead permalink:/reservation’.


      timePickerInterval: 180

      timeSlotsInterval: 120

      <div class=“container”>
      <div class=“row py-4”>
      <div class=“col col-sm-10 center-block”>
      <div class=“card mb-1”>
      <div class=“card-body”>
      <div class=“card”>
      <div class=“card-body”>