contact986 Anyone able to get the order approver extension to make a sound on an iphone or ipad? I’ve tried different browsers and not able to get it to work. It does pop up, but no sound. Thanks.
djtimca contact986 the problem is because Apple prevents sound unless they are initiated by a user action. I was able to get Kiosk Pro Lite browser app to work with sound.
contact986 Any idea how others make it work such as gloriafood? I realize they have their own app but it does make sound without user action.
djtimca contact986 the rules apply to a web browser not an app. If you were to build a native app, it can make sounds without user interaction.
raisarojuk975 Hi @contact986 , @djtimca , We’ve just built an android app companion extension that solves the sound notification problem. It also has a whole lot of features as well. I’m sure you’ll love the extension, you can check the extension here. Thank you
djtimca Thanks raisarojuk975 - I already built an app for Android and iOS for my installation (for both order management and customer use) but I’m significantly forked from the core TI version at this point.
taste djtimca Who made your front end app for you, I am looking to have one made for my website can you point me in the right direction. TIA