berkcel I am using Order Approuver, it is working well, but it doesnt send any Email to Customer when order Status is changed. Order is coming correctly. Notify is active Email Test is successful What i am doing wrong?
berkcel djtimca No, i change always manually, if order is in preparation or Delivery etc… No mail to customer
djtimca berkcel it doesn’t sound like an issue with order approver then. You should have an email sent on any status change if you have notify set to on it sounds like something else is going on.
berkcel djtimca Test Email is succesfull. Notify is set on. Appouver is coming correctly. What els can i check ?
djtimca berkcel are there any errors in your system logs? Does the test email work to an extra old email address as well as one on your own domain?
berkcel djtimca Nothing in system Logs. After changing status, i have green pop up message “Status updated succesfully ”, But Email is not sent 🙂 Emails adresse are correct.
djtimca berkcel is the email address you are sending the notification to the same as the email address that you are using for your test email?
djtimca berkcel is the email you send the test email to the same as the customer email you are using to test notifications? Test email is sent to default location email, not customer
berkcel djtimca Customer email and Test Emails are not same. Location has an email, test has another email and staff has another one. I have used 3 different emails. Aprouver notifictaion uses which one to notify ?
djtimca berkcel the notification does not come from order approver. Order Approver just triggers a status change . Place a test order with the same customer email as your location and see if status changes get an email then. My hunch is that SMTP is not set right despite the successful test.
berkcel djtimca ISMTP are set correctly, i have taken the codes of my old installation (e-template) then it is working again. Email template was the problem. I dont know why, but working again, thank you for help.