Good afternoon everyone,
I have a question about the cart extension, I would like to modify the behavior of the “checkout” form.
I need the field: “label_address_2” to be mandatory, currently in the rules it is optional.
The file I want to modify is:
In the part:
protected function createRules()
if (Location::orderTypeIsDelivery()) {
$namedRules[] = ['address.address_2', 'lang:igniter.cart::default.checkout.label_address_2', 'nullable|min:3|max:128'];
I’m interested in changing from ‘nullable’ to ‘required’.
How can I do it without directly editing the extension code in case it is updated in the future and the changes are overwritten.
In the administration panel I have not been able to see that this field can be modified to be optional or not.
I have thought that a solution could be to extend this extension but I am not sure how to do it.
Does anyone know how I could solve it?
Thanks!! 🙂