Hi, I want to present my TastyIgniter companion app to all of you.
I am a service provider from Germany and tried to make providing TI to local restaurants my side hustle. Unfortunately, some workflows provided out-of-the-box proved to be too complicated for the regular restaurant owner. Some of the problems could be mitigated by the great extensions Ryan wrote, such as the kitchen display and printer extension, but I was really looking for a one-in-all solution that I can pitch to restaurants.
I wrote this with the workflow of a “regular joe” restaurant owner in mind, so it’s supposed to be simple and just work.
Currently, the App is already finished and is in the closed beta phase in Google and TestFlight on Apple.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.dineabyte.tastycompanion (You need to be whitelisted)
Note: The domain has to be whitelisted by me, so please contact me to get your trial and support.
Main features that are already available:
- Basic order management, listing, viewing, ETA and status setting via app
- Branding option for the SaaS providers among us (Logo, splash screen and own app in Play/App Store)
- Notifications (push and foreground)
- Printing with EPSON printers
- Localization for non-english countries (German for now)
- Navigation to customer address for delivery orders
- Tablet UI for restaurant owners using tablets
- Plug and play installation, nothing has to be installed on your TI instance except for a configurable webhook if you want push notifications.
- Cross-platform (iOS and Android)
Features which are already in heavy testing and in deployment:
- SunMi printing (testers welcome to ensure high quality across all deployments / devices from SunMi)
Future features (roughly sorted by my priorities):
Driver management (driver assignment, auto location fetching)
Localized receipts for kitchen staff who do not speak UI language
… (imagine a lot of other things)
Luckily, I already have customers and partners who are interested in my project, so it’s here to stay and I’m willing to provide long-term support for this application.
Please let me know what you think and if you are interested in more information or a free trial as soon as the product is ready, add me on Discord (I am active in the TastyIgniter Discord server) under #quarkton or write me an email here: antonio@dineabyte.de