Please, it best to post in English since its an English forum and you can always use google translator.

Anyways, you can definitely help translate TastyIgniter to the languages you need. We already have a crowdin page where you can help translate the text for it to be included in TastyIgniter. Please follow this link

    Нужен русский и Украинский языки.. Хочется потестить нормально - но проблематично ( даже я сказал бы , лень переводить ). Так же не загрузились при установке картинки и некоторые кнопочки не рабочие

    We need Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​.. I would like to test a normal - but problematic ( even I would have said , too lazy to translate ) . It is also not loaded when you install pictures and some buttons are not working

      4 years later

      cwdima Україньською переведено вже 47%, це не все до ряду, а по ходу реєстрації і адмінка, до чого дійшов.

      У меня переведено 91% из 2512 строк на русский.
      Если нужно, могу сделать sql дамп таблицы ti_language_translations.

      I have translated 91% of 2512 lines into Russian.
      If necessary, I can make a sql dump of the ti_language_translations table.

        fad I can throw 47% off to play, if enough is enough - then completely?

        • fad replied to this.
          6 days later

          fad Thanks for sharing! Any chance of you uploading these translations to Crowdin?

            a month later

            fad There were problems, I will translate further, I post what is here