¿Hay alguna extensión o actualización para traducir el lenguaje ingles a español tanto el frontend y el backend?
Translate english language to spanish.
Por favor su ayuda.
¿Hay alguna extensión o actualización para traducir el lenguaje ingles a español tanto el frontend y el backend?
Translate english language to spanish.
Por favor su ayuda.
mlattke Cree una carpeta language y pegué lo que contenia la carpeta es_ES
mlattke En el tutorial indica esto:
Copy the files and folders within the Namespaced directories into your TastyIgniter language directory, see below. If you don’t have a language directory in your application root, create a new one.
y lo coloqué en la raiz del proyecto:
Ya creaste el idioma en la parte de adminstracion.
Hey, I’m having the exact same issue, I followed the instructions at (https://tastyigniter.com/docs/master/advanced/localization) and localization -> languages -> thelanguage(spanish) -> translations even shows the proper translations (meaning the language pack is properly installed), then changed the default language in system -> settings -> default language, saved, but it doesn’t take effect anywhere except the login form… That shows up in spanish, but nothing else does. I’m running the latest version I suppose (fresh download/install). Could it be a bug in the i18n system?
mlattke thanks for the quick reply. I do have tasty/language/es_EC/
, where tasty
is tastyigniter’s root of course. In there I have the admin, igniter, igniterlabs, main, system
directories, each with a lang.php
Should I copy this file strcuture into the project? that is to say copying tasty/language/es_EC/admin/lang.php
into tasty/app/admin/language/es_EC/lang.php
? (and the same for all the other directories?)
TI will search the root /language folder for language files so there’s no point replacing the core language files as you could lose changes after an update. Following the folder structure in the docs should work. You should also clear your system cache for changes to take effect.
Ya pudiste traducirlo? avisame si necesitas ayuda…
Have you been able to translate it yet? let me know if you need help…