Hello, I have a clean install running:

  • LEAP
  • PHP
  • MariaDB
  • Apache2.

Unzipped all TastyIgniter files in /user/www/htcdocs

CHMOD 777 on htcdocs
CHOWN wwwrun on htcdocs

When I run the setup, I am able to config database etc. At completion I get the notification all is done, and have to remove the setup folder and setup.php. Did do so (currently setup files are restored again). But than I am not able to open the admin console and when opening the frontend I only get a basic site.

Have tried many different things, CHMOD 777 all files again, etc. But nothing works. If I install a test.php file in the folder php (and also HTML) perfectly works.

What is the issue?

Steps I followed on the clean LEAP OS:

sudo zypper update

sudo zypper install apache2

sudo systemctl start apache2

sudo systemctl enable apache2

systemctl status apache2

sudo httpd -v

vi /srv/www/htdocs/index.html

  <h1> It works!</h1> 

sudo zypper install SuSEfirewall2

vi /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2


sudo systemctl restart SuSEfirewall2

sudo chown wwwrun /srv/www/htdocs/ -R

sudo zypper install mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-tools

sudo systemctl start mysql

sudo systemctl enable mysql

systemctl status mysql

mysql --version

mysql -u root

sudo mysql_secure_installation

sudo zypper install php7 php7-mysql apache2-mod_php7
sudo a2enmod php7

sudo systemctl restart apache2

vi /srv/www/htdocs/test.php

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

ESX LAMP Restore Point

zypper install php7-tidy php7-zip php7-soap php7-devel php7-phar php7-pear php7-pdo php7-mbstring php7-ldap php7-iconv php7-intl php7-json php7-imap php7-openssl php7-bcmath php7-curl php7-gd php7-fpm php7-sqlite php7-snmp php7-zlib php7-xsl  php7-xmlwriter php7-xmlreader php7-readline php7-sockets php7-tokenizer php7-pgsql php7-opcache php7-gettext php7-fileinfo php7-ftp  php7-fastcgi php7-exif php7-dba php7-odbc php7-xmlrpc php7-bz2 php7-enchant php7-dom php7-pspell php7-gmp re2c libssl43 pkg-config libopenssl-devel php7-openssl ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel

zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:privacy/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/security:privacy.repo 
zypper refresh 
zypper install mcrypt 

systemctl restart apache2 mariadb.service ; systemctl enable apache2 mariadb.service ; a2enmod php7  ; a2enmod rewrite

ESX LAMP + PreReq Restore Point

CHMOD 777 /srv/www/htdocs
Copy installation files to /srv/www/htdocs

mysql -u root -p 
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rms.* TO 'XXX'@localhost; 

chown wwwrun /srv/www/htdocs/ -R 
chmod 777 /srv/www/htdocs/ -R 

    I found a few similar issues, but either from a few years ago or the solution simply doesn’t work.

      Are you able to load Home and Admin Panel after you finish the installation?

        mlattke Hi, no admin. The home page very basic, with an orange bar/header/footer and a few items which can not be selected.

          It is running on Apache2. Prior to the setup, the test.php and index.html work perfectly fine. Do not understand why I need to update the .htaccess file after running the setup.

            dhorstman Try this. Make a database first > run setup and set the name and the other fields of the database >choose theme orange tastyigniter>install> at the end of setup you will see admin and frontpage. if you see any error during setup let me know.

              Hi; I can complete the setup without any issue. Than I end up at a screens with two options: (1) to view online restaurant or (2) go to the admin console.

              (1) the online restaurants displays a basic screen (screen dumps in below link)

              (2) the admin console option brings me to localhost/admin/login/, which isnt working. If I change it to it provides an error.


                Check Apache Listen port and test on that port
                eg > localhost:8080/yoursite

                  I will check.

                  I assume that the TastyIgniter application will work on a local IP-address, or is this incorrect?

                  I am running my websites behind a reverse proxy. Please find config below. Do I need to include the recommended config for NGIX in this reverse proxy?

                  server {
                  listen 80;
                  server_name rms.hetoudeposthuys.nl;
                  return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
                  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

                  server {
                  client_max_body_size 50m;
                  listen 443 ssl;
                  server_name rms.hetoudeposthuys.nl;
                  ssl_certificate /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/www3.hetoudeposthuys.nl.crt;
                  ssl_certificate_key /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/www3.hetoudeposthuys.nl.key;
                  location / {
                  proxy_set_header Host $host;

                    The apache listen port is 80; if I browse, I get the “Getting started” site (see also the screendumps):

                    This is TastyIgniter’s demonstration theme to help you get started if you plan on designing your theme from scratch.

                    You may also choose from a variety of themes from the admin dashboard pre-built for you to start receiving orders.

                    Overview Basic page concepts

                      Yes, I do have the issue when using local ip and rms.hetoudeposthuys.nl

                      just configured my DNS to run it rms.hetoudeposthuys.nl directly to the webserver to avoid the NGINX reverse proxy, but the issue remains.

                        May i run the setup on your server?

                          Yes please! Go ahead.

                          However my guess is that it will time out on the external reverse proxy.

                            database = rms
                            username = test, password = test