• Support
  • 1072 Key column 'type' doesn't exist in tableSQL: alter table `ti_extensions`

I have same error with fresh install and unable to test. A moment ago I downloaded from github the latest quick setup file (earlier had already same problem with the one from tasty igniter website). I use Cpanel. I uploaded with filemanager the zip file, extracted it, ensured directory and file permissions as expected. The setup.php file went correctly through all phases of setup, except the last one where it informed setup has failed with the error message described here. When trying the April version in similar manner no such error occurs. Sam informs us here that he can not replicate this problem and error but I would encourage him to do a complete fresh setup with new MySQL database using the quicksetup method as that is the way to replicate this.

    eshetudesalegn Which of the steps I detailed have you attempted? I just ran the command line installer and the error on the _extensions table still occurred. The fix is to comment out or delete line 252 “$table->unique([‘type’, ‘name’], ‘type’);” in 2015_03_25_000001_create_tables.php; that line creates the secondary index on the _extensions table which is causing the delete column command to fail because the type column is part of an index that exists on the table.

      Thank you, I will try to figure it out although I can only do the quick setup, will look where to find the …create_tables.php file and comment out. Issue is that I stopped using the April version as too much tinkering and hope to find a more improved version. Somehow, with a so called quick installer giving install errors like this and requiring commenting lines out does not give much confidence that it will be more robust than before. The functionality and work done has been great and the look and feel is also very good, but if one needs to tinker so much with the code, that some love the people I work with can not and they should be able to run reliable system focusing on receiving orders, preparing them and ensuring that customers pay for them and receive them. So, I will wait until a stable version is released but may here and there try to help and comment, but is not yet stable enough for our situation to go live (in any case rightly called a beta version, so no complaints).

      I did check the install. So it will display a frontpage and even the admin login page (with .htaccess edited). However, it does not allow any login as it did not populate the user database (compared to the April Install). Although it created all tables it did not copy any data into them, hence not working.

        roydeanjr I managed to install using command line and as you still got the error message. You advised to comment out the tables_php line 252 but can you please tell me where to find this ..tables.php file. Many thanks

          is in app/admin/database/migrations

            However, there is no file 2015_03_25_000001_create_tables.php in that folder

              ONLY HAS:

                Ah file is in /app/system/database/migrations/2015_03_25_000001_create_tables.php

                  commented it out. Changed the .htacces to ensure it points to the folder, only for admin to not start in that folder…

                    roydeanjr i tried the new bug fixes and appears to have similar error when using the setup wizard.
                    i tried commenting that line and turns out it re downloads the file and replace the commented line with the same code.
                    the solution should be to remove the line from the source code on github.. by the owner.

                    is there a way that you were able to comment/remove that line and somehow worked?
                    because whenever you use the setup wizard it still go through downloading the content again.

                      I realize that the biggest change that probably is causing all this problems with the “extensions” because that it what you comment out, and also gives the installation issues is that compared to the April release, extensions can only be installed when having generated carte number for the website. I understand that there may be god reasons to start “locking” extensions to websites, but there is some privacy creep here as one now requires to expose the installation to the software developer who also thus link website with user. It would be useful to get some more insight from core developer why this change happened but more importantly to fix the installation process. I tried to update 2 old sites but because of carte messed completely up. So even though we can try to get a fresh install working, I have failed to get success with accessing the admin part. The front-end shows but that’s it.

                        eko The carte is yet to be enforced and you can install/update extensions without a carte.

                          Noticed, thank you, actually the carte number was not accepted 😆