On my side when I go to the SMS Template tab I am redirected to en error page
(1/1) ValidationException
The content field is required.
in Validation.php line 59
at Template->throwValidationException()
in ValidatingObserver.php line 56
at ValidatingObserver->performValidation(object(Template), ‘saving’)
in ValidatingObserver.php line 20
at ValidatingObserver->saving(object(Template))
in Dispatcher.php line 389
at Dispatcher->Illuminate\Events{closure}(‘eloquent.saving: IgniterLabs\SmsNotify\Models\Template’, array(object(Template)))
in Dispatcher.php line 218
at Dispatcher->dispatch(‘eloquent.saving: IgniterLabs\SmsNotify\Models\Template’, array(object(Template)), true)
in Dispatcher.php line 191
at Dispatcher->until(‘eloquent.saving: IgniterLabs\SmsNotify\Models\Template’, object(Template))
in HasEvents.php line 189
at Model->fireModelEvent(‘saving’)
in Model.php line 652
at Model->save(array(‘force’ => false))
in Model.php line 698
at Model->saveInternal(array(‘force’ => false))
in Model.php line 726
at Model->save()
in Template.php line 115
at Template::syncAll()
in Templates.php line 58
at Templates->index(‘index’)
at call_user_func_a