Hi everyone,
so I ran into an issue with the Printer Extension, the first time I set it up it worked fine as the site I was working didn’t had a SSL installed, now that we need to process credit cards with Authorize.net, a SSL is required so I installed it on the site but the Printer Extension stopped working:
The IP address of the computer where the “AutoPrint” page is opened and the Proxy App is running is
and the IP address of the printer is
The Proxy App has the SSL cert and private key updated:
And the extension settings were updated to turn on the SSL option:
The SSL and key was created using the following command:
openssl req -x509 -days 1825 -out ssd-printer-192-168-1-179.crt -keyout ssd-printer-192-168-1-179.key -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -subj '/CN=' -extensions EXT -config <( printf "[dn]\nCN=\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")
based on the instructions defined on this page, the only thing I changed was localhost
for the IP address
of the computer where the Proxy App is running:
The certificate was added to the computer as well:
Did anyone ran into a similar issue before? I have no idea what I’m doing wrong and I think I followed all steps as outlined in the docs?