GaryBrighton difficult to price a product based on an arbitrary amount that is linked to someone’s time spent on it. Price should be based on what the market is willing to pay for it, when dealing with the open market. Maybe different when doing ad hoc work for a customer and you agree this pricing before commencing work.
It’s a nice theme but its main benefits seem to be a polished interface which is based on graphical improvements. Although this looks nice there isn’t much that one is unable do to alter the free theme to their company colours/logo. And if you’re going to do something with branding then it’s better to do something unique. Choosing the only premium TI theme (as there is only one to choose from) is not necessarily going to add a unique brand image to a company.
It would be great if a theme author could come up with a theme that overcomes some
of the weaknesses in the free theme or discover what the community / prospective market are looking for or would be willing to pay for it. It seems to be the case that some plugins reach the market place without any assessment of what the market needs or what the market is willing to pay for.
In fact the last one I saw on here the developer came on asking what people would pay for their plug-in. But I don’t think they asked what the community wanted from the plug-in. Which is why they probably have sold very little or nothing last time I glanced at it.
There will be unmet needs of the community users and a better assessment of those and consideration of same when developing solutions would be better IMO. But some of these TI plugins seem to be developed for specific use cases and just come to the market place to see what can be creamed off it.