Hi Ryan
Thanks for the extension, I’ve installed and enabled this extension. However, there is no pop-up visible nor chime sound audible after an order is placed .
I made sure that the chime sound option is enabled in the “Order Notifier Settings”. 
I’m pretty sure that the broadcase event is also configured properly as there is a push message after each successful order to the browser.
Anything I can think of that may interfere with this extension is that I’ve configured the printer extension to auto-print on each page.
Below is the TI configuration i’m using currently.
— TI Information and (may be relevant) extensions
Version 3.0.4 Beta.28 (Upgrading to the stable version caused various issues -> restored via snapshot)
Printer - v2.0.7
Broadcast Events - v1.0.7
Limit Maximum Orders - v1.0.5
Order Notifier - v1.0.2
Thanks in advance
Kind regards